Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Being Mom

Some days it's just plain hard to be a mom. When your baby is teething, irritable, and inconsolable, when he won't eat or drink or sleep in someone else's arms. When your toddler is bouncing off the walls yelling and screaming, just when the baby fell asleep and waking him up. Or when your little one falls asleep on the floor for a short nap only to awake because the baby started wailing when you tried to put him down while he slept. Then your toddler has a full on melt down wailing in pain from flat feet and growing pains. Or when he says he's hungry and asks you for the fiftieth time if his food is done and you say, no sweetie I will let you know. Then he cries because he wants to be the one to announce that it's done. Your house is a mess even though you do dishes, laundry, sweeping/moping, vacuuming, and picking up toys. You feel like you just finished lunch and it's time to start dinner.

In these moments I try to remember that God's grace is enough, He will equip me with what I need to be mom and wife. He will fill the gaps and do what I can't. I also try to be grateful, because somewhere out there someone has it worse. Someone is trying to have a baby and can't, someone adopted or is in the process if adopting and can't yet hold their crying child, or fill their empty tummies, or make their hurts go away. Somewhere there is a mom aching for the child she has lost far sooner than she expected or a mom who's child is far away fighting a battle that I rarely even think about, but that comes at so high a price. 

Then I am thankful, then I am convicted, then I hear my Lord's gentle rebuke. I am a mom, I am blessed, I am grateful for the trials, because it reminds me that God has given me so much more than I deserve. 

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