Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Spiritual Health First, Everything Else Second!

As I read my Parenting by design devotional this morning I realized that I have been failing miserably at on of the most important aspects of being a good parent. I have a lot on my plate right now and as a result have really been forgoing my time with God as a result. Why is it so often that we never have enough time for everything and it is so tempting to make time with God the first thing to go. God is to be the center of our world and he is supposed to come first, everything else is supposed to come second. Have you ever noticed that when you start your day in the word and pray even if for only a few minutes, that your day goes much better? But if you neglect that time alone with your savior then look out!

The end of today's reading said this, "Forsaking time with God, even when you spend that time on family , can leave you empty and ineffective. Take care of your spiritual health so you will be strong when difficult times come." Its simple and to the point, but had a profound effect on me this morning. I often forsake time with God because I have a lesson for my online class due, or Jaden is not feeling well and wants me to snuggle with him, or Luis needs supper cooked so he can go to work. These are not bad things to occupy my time, but I still need time for God or I won't be able to do those things with love and patience and focus. I will find everything goes wrong and that I supper burned or Jaden seems especially cranky, or my lesson is too confusing. Its actually worth putting everything aside for even 15 minutes in the word with God.

So here is to getting back on track and making the effort to take care of my spiritual health first and letting everything else fall into place as it should. Think about it, if you need work in this area too then don't wait until next week, but get started now! Wish me luck!

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